Meta tag targeting with Hello Bar allows you to align your marketing messages with specific pages or categories on your website. This alignment can help optimize your marketing campaigns by ensuring that your messages are reaching the right audience at the right time, leading to better campaign performance and ROI. 

(Hit CTRL(win)/CMD (Mac) +"Watch on Youtube" to view on Youtube)

Navigate to your admin dashboard under "Targeting" then hit the "Create New Rule".

Select the " Meta Tag" targeting rule under "Page"

Enter the Meta tag "Name" and "Content" then hit "Save".

Assign the Meta tag targeting rule to your popup, under Targeting>"Who should See This?".

Once done, the popup will trigger whenever the entered Meta tag matches the condition on your site pages.

To know more about Page Meta tags -> 

We'll be happy to listen to your feedback continuously and improve it further. 

Reach out to our team at [email protected] if you have any questions.